US general says Trump was angered by invite to wounded soldier: “Nobody wants to see that”
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US general says Trump was angered by invite to wounded soldier: “Nobody wants to see that”

A retired US general has claimed that former President Donald Trump was angered by an invitation to meet with a wounded soldier who had lost his legs in Afghanistan.

Lieutenant General Mark Milley, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made the claim in his new book, “Battlegrounds: The Fight to Defend the American Way of Life.”

US general says Trump was angered by invite to wounded soldier: "Nobody wants to see that"

In the book, Milley writes that Trump was “visibly upset” when he was told that Sergeant First Class Cory Remsburg had been invited to the White House.

“He doesn’t want to see that,” Milley writes that Trump said. “Nobody wants to see that. It’s not good politics.”

Remsburg had been invited to the White House to attend a Medal of Honor ceremony for another soldier. He had lost his legs in a bomb blast in Afghanistan in 2012.

Milley writes that he tried to explain to Trump that Remsburg was a hero and that it would be an honor to have him at the White House. But Trump was not interested.

“He doesn’t want to be around people who have been through that,” Milley writes that Trump said. “It’s not healthy for him.”

Milley’s claim has been met with outrage from some veterans and military groups.

The American Legion, the nation’s largest veterans group, said in a statement that Milley’s claim was “deeply disturbing” and that it “calls into question the former president’s respect for the military.”

The Veterans of Foreign Wars, another major veterans group, also criticized Trump’s alleged remarks.

“It is beyond comprehension that a president would not want to meet with a wounded warrior,” the VFW said in a statement. “This is a slap in the face to all veterans who have sacrificed so much for our country.”

The White House has not responded to Milley’s claim.

However, Trump has a history of making insensitive remarks about veterans. In 2015, he said that Senator John McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, was “not a war hero” because he was captured.

Trump has also been criticized for his handling of veterans issues. In 2018, he signed a bill that reformed the Department of Veterans Affairs, but he has also proposed cuts to VA funding.

Milley’s claim about Trump’s alleged remarks about Remsburg is the latest example of the former president’s disrespect for the military and veterans.sharemore_vertadd_photo_alternatemicsend_spark

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